11 Best Ways On How to Make Money with Canva in 2024

how to make money with canva

Are you looking to make money by being creative? Well, you’re in luck with Canva! It’s a super handy tool for designing, and it also offers lots of ways to earn cash. Whether you want to create templates, offer design services, or join their affiliate program, Canva has something for everyone.

In this guide, we’ll explore the best ways on how to make money with Canva. So, if you love design and want to turn your hobby into a paycheck, keep reading!

11 Best Ways How to Make Money With Canva

01. Sell Canva Templates

Selling Canva templates is one of the best ways to make money since you have to create the template once, and then it keeps generating money. To get started you need to create an account on Canva, design a few templates, and sell them. You can earn $50 – $100 per day if you get it right.

Here are some popular ideas for Canava templates :

★ Social media Templates (Facebook Post Templates, Pinterest Pins Templates)

★ Newsletter Template

★ Presentation Templates

★ Website Templates

Once you decide which templates to create and produce a few designs you can start earning money by selling them on marketplaces like :




02. Design Logos For Businesses

Nowadays, a logo is a must for a business, whether it is a startup or a rebranding business, they need a logo, so there is always a demand for logo design. Use Canva to organize your clients’ brand materials and store the graphics you make for them.

Use sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer to promote logo designing as a freelancer, and offer your designs at good prices, once you get good ratings and reviews you can charge more. If you are fresher in logo designing you can make $25 – $30 per project, over time you can make around $100 per project once you have a good rating and reviews.

If you’re feeling stuck, you can find inspiration from Canva’s library of thousands of logo templates.

03. Promote Canva As An Affiliate

Firstly, Canva is popular with over 100 million users. As an affiliate, all you have to do is convince someone to upgrade to Canva Pro, and you’ll get a referral fee. Plus, Canva tracks each person you refer for 30 days, making it easier for you to earn money.

Promoting affiliate links for tools you enjoy using is a fantastic way to earn extra money for your business. You can include these links in your blog posts, emails, social media posts, and YouTube videos. Make sure to look at the affiliate program rules before signing up.

04. Design And Sell Printables

Creating and selling digital products like planners, printable wall art, checklists, and stickers can be a great way to earn money using Canva, to find inspiration on what to create, you can explore the wide range of free and pro templates offered in Canva.

Because printables and digital downloads have great demand and can serve both personal and professional purposes, you can sell them on platforms Etsy, Designcut, and CreativeMarket

05. Create A Paid Newsletter In Canva

substack homepage

Canva offers thousands of templates within its platform, including templates for complete newsletters. A fast way to monetize your content creation is by launching a paid newsletter using platforms like Substack, Medium, and Ghost. You can design your newsletters in Canva and then easily upload them for distribution through your chosen platform.

06. Start A YouTube Channel About Canva

If you are good at Canva you can help others by sharing your knowledge by creating YouTube videos. You can create how-to videos, reviews, guides, and many more.

Here are a few video ideas for Canva :

★ How To Edit Videos on Canva

★ How To Design a Logo in Canva

★ Pros and Cons Of Canva

★ How To Edit Canva Social Media Template In 5 Minutes

Ways To Make Money On Making Video On Canva :

★ Youtube Ad Revenue

★ Affiliate Commission On Canva Affiliate Program

★ Selling Canva Courses

★ Selling Own Merchandise

07. Start Print-on-Demand Business

printify homepage

To begin a print-on-demand (POD) business, you have to decide on which merchandise to sell, then you can choose the drag-and-drop option on Canva to design the products. The most popular products for print-on-demand are t-shirts, mugs, hoodies, wall art, and tote bags.

Once you’ve generated a few designs, you can add those designs to platforms like Printify and Printful.

08. Start An Online Course About Canva

online learning

If you are good at Canva and know both inside and out well, this would be a great opportunity to share your knowledge.

Begin by brainstorming ideas for your course, determine the audience whether you’ll be focusing on beginner, intermediate, or advanced users, and start creating video. Once the videos are created, choose an online course platform to publish them.

Here are a few examples of online course platforms:



★ Skillshare

09. Join the Canva Creator Program

canva contributor program

Canva has a Creator Program, where you will earn royalties each time a user uses your designs. According to this program, you can sell graphics, stickers, stock images, and videos. You can earn a 35% royalty from the total revenue.

The only condition for this program is that the published artwork must be unique and should adhere to Canva’s terms and conditions.

10. Create Social Media Content For Businesses

Many businesses require content creation and publication on social media platforms. However, due to difficulties in consistently producing visually appealing graphics for their profiles, they are constantly seeking skilled designers.

As a freelance designer, you find clients directly by contacting them or you can use platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. With Canva’s extensive library of templates and pre-existing content, creating captivating posts is much easier than before.

11. Become A Graphic Freelancer

lady freelance graphic designer

One of the best and easiest ways to make money on Canva is by starting a design gig on a freelancing platform like Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer.

As a freelance graphic designer to get started, you need to create an account on each freelancing platform, once you create one, complete the profile with testimonials, reviews, and past projects. This could increase the chance of getting a job faster.

Conclusion: Best Ways How to Make Money With Canva

To sum up the list of 11 best ways how to make money with Canva, Whether you’re selling templates, offering design services, or joining their affiliate program, there’s a lot you can do. By trying out the 11 best methods mentioned, you can turn your Canva skills into a way to earn cash. With some effort and creativity, making money with Canva can be both fun and rewarding.

If you looking for ways to make money online by doing jobs that pay daily, check out the article on Best Online Jobs That Pay Daily.

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