How To Start A Gaming Blog For Beginner 7-Step Guide

how to start a gaming blog

Welcome to the thrilling world of gaming blogging! If you’ve ever been captivated by the gaming community and have a knack for sharing your insights, tips, and experiences, then starting a gaming blog could be the perfect venture for you.

This beginner-friendly guide will walk you through the steps of “how to start a gaming blog” in simple, easy-to-follow terms. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or someone eager to share your passion with the world, this guide will help you find your niche, create engaging content, and, ultimately, turn your love for gaming into a successful blog.

Let’s dive in and kickstart your journey to becoming a thriving gaming blogger!

How To Start A Gaming Blog In 7 Steps

Step 01: Select The Gaming Blog Niche And Name

The first step is all about choosing what you love and finding a gaming niche that gets you excited. After that, let’s work together to find the perfect name for your blog that truly reflects your unique gaming style.

Niche For Gaming Blog

Selecting a niche for your gaming blog is like choosing the main theme or focus of your content. It’s about deciding what specific aspect of gaming you want to talk about.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself when selecting the gaming niche.

★ What type of games do you enjoy playing the most?

★ Do you want to explore and review gaming accessories and equipment?

★ Are you more interested in gaming news, industry trends, or personal experiences?

★ Are you particularly skilled at certain types of games?

★ Are you intrigued by gaming hardware and tech innovations?

Domain Name For Gaming Blog

Always ensure that your blog name is the same as your domain name. Choosing the perfect domain name for your gaming blog is like giving your blog its unique address on the internet. It’s what people will type into their browsers to find your gaming blog.

Here are a few things to consider when choosing a domain name:

Keep It Short And Memorable: Aim for a domain name that is concise and easy to remember. Shorter names are easier to type and share, making it more likely for people to visit your blog. Avoid using complex or hard-to-spell words that can confuse or deter potential visitors.

Reflect On Your Gaming Niche: Select a domain name that reflects the niche or focus of your gaming blog. Incorporate relevant keywords or terms that convey the type of content you’ll be sharing. This helps potential visitors understand what your blog is about and improves search engine optimization (SEO).

Avoid Numbers And Hyphens: While it may be tempting to use numbers or hyphens in your domain name, they can make it harder for people to remember and type correctly. Stick to using letters to keep the domain name clean and user-friendly.

Consider Future Growth: Think about the potential growth and expansion of your gaming blog. Choose a domain name that allows flexibility for future content you may blog. Avoid limiting your blog’s scope with a too-specific domain name.

Here are some inspirations for gaming blog domain names:

★ Game Genius

★ Pixel Playground

★ Tech Reviewer

★ Gamers Verdict

★ Pixel Pursuit

Step 02: Select The Platform For Blogging

When selecting a blogging platform, think about how easy it is to use, what features it offers, and whether it has good community support. The right platform ensures your blog runs smoothly and provides a great experience for both you and your readers.

Here are a few examples of blogging platforms:


★ Medium

★ Blogger

★ Wix

★ Squarespace

Every blogging platform has its pros and cons. Out of that, is the overall best and we have recommended it at the top of the list. homepage is a fantastic choice for blogging because it gives you the power to make your blog unique, control every aspect, and grow it as much as you want.

It’s easy to use, helps your blog show up on search engines, and has a friendly community that can support you. Plus, it’s always getting better and staying secure. Overall, it’s a reliable and flexible platform that’s great for bloggers, whether you’re just starting or have been doing it for a while.

Now that has been selected, moving to the next step…

Step 03: Select A Web Host

Now, you need to select a web hosting provider, who will be hosting your website and store all the content such as images, videos, and other relevant files.

Here are a few examples of hosting Providers:

★ HostGator

★ Bluehost

★ SiteGround

★ Hostinger

We recommend HostGator for web hosting since it has features like 1-click WordPress installation, a user-friendly cPanel, free SSL certificates, and 24/7 customer support.

hostgator homepage

They provide affordable plans for most bloggers. we recommend Baby Plan on Hostgator. you can always upgrade as you want when required.

hostgator wordpress hosting prices

After you purchase the hosting plan from HostGator, Install WordPress to the gaming website.

If you require help, check out to guide on how to install WordPress on the HostGator platform.

Moving to the next step, design the gaming blog …

Step 04: Customize Your Blog

Now you have officially a website with the text “Hello World!” before you launch it, make it your own by customizing it to match your style and your brand.

Choose A WordPress Theme

Selecting a theme is your first step to giving your website a unique look. WordPress offers a variety of themes, each with its own style and features. Find one that suits your content and design preferences.

There will be 3 main options to consider when choosing a theme for a WordPress site.

Use Of Free Theme

It’s a cost-effective solution that allows for quick and easy setup, making it ideal for beginners or those on a tight budget. Explore a variety of design choices within the WordPress theme archive to discover a style that aligns with your preferences.

wordpress theme page

Use of Premium Theme

Premium themes are the luxury items in the WordPress theme market. These themes often come with a higher price tag, but they bring advanced features, professional designs, and sometimes additional support. WordPress theme like Astra is a good start if you are not sure which to start with. Astra theme has many customizable options to consider.

If you looking to buy a premium gaming theme for the blog consider looking at Themeforest one of the largest online archives for resources. once you purchased, documentation will be provided to you on the instructions.

themeforest homepage

Create Your Own Theme

With the help of plugins like Elementor, you can build your own customized WordPress theme in no time. Using ready-made page templates and popups you can customize using drag and drop option easily.

elementor homepage

Install The Relevant Plugins

Make your gaming blog stand out by adding plugins that serve specific purposes. Choose plugins for engaging your audience, optimizing performance, boosting search engine visibility, and ensuring security.

Explore tools for monetization, community building, analytics, and social media integration to create a well-rounded and enjoyable experience.

Regularly update and evaluate your plugins to maintain optimal functionality and keep your gaming community captivated.

Here are a few plugins that we recommend when starting a gaming blog:

01. Elementor- Used as a website builder, which is loaded with pre-created templates.

02. WPForms Lite- This plugin is used to create forms such as contact forms, newsletter signup forms, and many more.

03. Rankmath SEO- Makes the website optimized for search engine results which helps to rank.

04. Site Kit By Google- This plugin is by Google itself used to show relevant metrics and data from various Google products.

05. Updraft Plus- This Plugin is used to restore, backup, and migrate WordPress websites.

06. WP Super Cache- This plugin is used to enhance the speed, performance, and overall user experience of WordPress websites.

07. Wordfence Security- This plugin is a comprehensive security solution designed specifically for WordPress websites.

Step 05: Create The Content And Start Blogging

Now it is time to write content for the blog, you have a website with good design and required plugins installed.

Here are key Factors to be considered to be successful in Blogging:

High-Quality and Valuable Content: Your blog posts should offer valuable information, insights, or entertainment to your target audience. Focus on creating well-researched, accurate, and engaging content that addresses their needs, interests, and pain points.

Clear and Compelling Headlines: Craft attention-grabbing headlines that communicate the main benefit or topic of your blog post. A compelling headline entices readers to click and read further.

Well-structured and Readable Format: Organize your blog posts with clear headings, subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs to enhance readability. Use proper formatting techniques, such as bold or italic text, to highlight important points.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your blog posts for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords in your content, title tags, meta descriptions, and headings. This can improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results and attracting organic traffic.

Engaging Introduction: Hook your readers from the beginning with an intriguing introduction. Clearly state the purpose of your blog post and highlight the benefits readers will gain from reading it.

Visual Elements: Incorporate relevant and high-quality images, infographics, videos, or other visual content to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of your blog posts. Visuals can help break up text and make your content more shareable.

Here are a few types of blog content ideas to write and share on the blog

Gaming News

Position your blog as a reliable source for gaming news by focusing on specific gaming topics or niches. While the relevance of news content is short-lived, it excels in social media promotion.

Breaking news or exclusive coverage can result in a significant spike in views, making it crucial to stay ahead of the curve and offer unique perspectives on unfolding events in the gaming world.

Game Reviews

Game reviews form the backbone of gaming blogs, providing readers with detailed insights into newly launched games, gaming hardware, and accessories.

In addition to traditional game reviews, consider expanding into unconventional topics, such as coverage of gaming conferences or esports tournaments. The longevity of reviews ensures continuous traffic, with the potential for exclusive opportunities as your blog gains prominence.

Gaming Hardware Reviews

This cover a wide range of gaming equipment to help you make informed choices for your setup. From graphics cards and gaming laptops to controllers, VR headsets, and audio gear, describe every possible detail that matters, explore monitors, storage options, networking equipment, and more, considering factors like build quality, design, and value for money.

Whether you’re after top-notch visuals, responsive controls, or immersive audio, reviews aim to guide you in choosing the right hardware for your gaming needs. Stay in the know with detailed analyses of the latest gaming technology, designed to make your gaming experience even better.

Walkthrough Guides

Walkthrough guides are invaluable resources for gamers seeking assistance during gameplay. By creating detailed, helpful, and thorough walkthroughs, your blog becomes a go-to destination for players encountering challenges.

Building a reputation for high-quality guides establishes reader trust, fostering loyalty as users return whenever they face gaming obstacles.

Interviews with Game Developers

This blog goes straight to the source, chatting with the creators about their creative process, challenges, and the hidden gems that make a game successful.

From experienced developers to new talents, these interviews give you an exclusive look into the world of game creation, showing the passion and hard work that go into crafting the games we love. It’s a unique peek behind the curtain, connecting gamers with the brilliant minds shaping their gaming experiences.

Gamer Lifestyle

This blog explores the lifestyle of gamers, touching on everything from gaming setups and accessories to the latest trends in gaming culture. Learn tips on balancing gaming with everyday life, explore the diverse communities within the gaming world, and get insights into how gaming impacts different aspects of our lives.

From recommended gaming snacks to discussions on the latest gaming fashion, the blog embraces the diverse aspects that make up the vibrant and dynamic gamer lifestyle.

Remember to stay active and consistent, engage with your audience, and adapt your content to gaming trends and new releases. By providing valuable and engaging content that caters to the interests and needs of gamers, you can build a loyal readership and achieve success with your gaming blog.

Step 06: Promote Your Gaming Blog And Build An Audience

Promoting your gaming blog and building an audience is important because it helps more people discover your blog, trust your expertise, engage with your content, and connect with other gamers.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in promoting your gaming blog. By implementing SEO techniques, you can optimize your website and content to rank higher in search engine results.

This increased visibility allows more gamers to find your blog when they search for relevant topics or keywords. SEO involves optimizing your blog’s structure, using relevant keywords in your content, improving website loading speed, and building quality backlinks.

By adhering to these practices, you can attract organic traffic from search engines, increase your blog’s exposure, and ultimately grow your audience. SEO is a powerful tool that helps you reach more gamers and promote your gaming blog effectively.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective strategy for promoting your gaming blog and engaging with your audience. By building an email list of interested subscribers, you can regularly communicate with them and share your latest blog posts, updates, and exclusive content.

Email marketing allows you to deliver personalized messages directly to your subscribers’ inboxes, increasing the chances of them engaging with your content. you can use email marketing to promote special offers, contests, or events, driving traffic back to your blog.

With captivating subject lines and well-crafted email content, you can build relationships with your subscribers, encourage them to visit your blog regularly, and ultimately grow your audience.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your gaming blog and reaching a wider audience. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube allow you to share your content, engage with gamers, and build a community around your blog.

By creating exciting and visually appealing posts, you can capture the attention of social media users and drive them to your blog. Social media also enables you to interact directly with your audience through comments, messages, and live streams, and building relationships.

Gaming Forums and Communities

Gaming forums and communities provide valuable opportunities for promoting your gaming blog and connecting with a highly targeted audience. By actively participating in these communities, you can establish yourself as an authority, share your expertise, and contribute to relevant discussions.

Engaging with other gamers allows you to build relationships, gain visibility, and attract attention to your blog.

By offering helpful advice, answering questions, and providing valuable contributions, you can earn the trust and respect of the community members, further enhancing your blog’s reputation. Gaming forums and communities serve as a productive ground for networking, building a loyal following, and promoting your gaming blog.

Step 07: Monetize Your Gaming Blog

After so much trial and error, finally you have a professional gaming blog that is ready to earn. Here are the ways to monetize your blog:

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to generate income from your gaming blog. By partnering with relevant gaming companies or online marketplaces, you can promote their products or services to your audience and earn a commission for each sale or referral made through your unique affiliate links.

This allows you to monetize your blog by recommending products you genuinely believe in and that resonate with your audience. Whether it’s gaming consoles, accessories, or even game subscriptions, affiliate marketing provides a win-win situation where you earn revenue while providing valuable recommendations to your readers.

With a strategic approach to affiliate marketing and a loyal audience, you can leverage this monetization method to create a sustainable income stream from your gaming blog.

Ads Revenue

Ads revenue is a popular and effective way to monetize your gaming blog. By displaying advertisements on your blog, you can earn income based on the number of impressions or clicks those ads receive.

Platforms like Google AdSense provide an easy way to integrate ads into your blog, matching them to your content and target audience. As your blog grows and attracts more visitors, the potential for ad revenue increases. By optimizing ad placement, implementing responsive design, and creating engaging content, you can maximize your earnings.

While ads may interrupt the user experience to some extent, they provide a passive income stream that can contribute significantly to your overall revenue and help support the growth and maintenance of your gaming blog.

Here are a few recommended Ad Networks other than Google Adsense :

★ Ezoic



★ PropellerAds

★ Adsterra

Sponsored content presents a lucrative opportunity to monetize your gaming blog. Through sponsored collaborations, you can partner with game developers, gaming companies, or brands that align with your blog’s niche and create engaging content around their products or services.

This can include sponsored reviews, gameplay videos, tutorials, or sponsored posts. Sponsored content not only provides a steady stream of income but also allows you to showcase your expertise and build relationships with industry players. It’s essential to maintain transparency and integrity by clearly disclosing sponsored content to your audience.

By selecting sponsorships that align with your values and resonate with your audience, you can create authentic and valuable content while earning revenue and expanding your blog’s reach.

Sell Merchandise

Selling merchandise is an excellent way to monetize your gaming blog and connect with your dedicated audience. By creating and selling branded merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, or accessories featuring your gaming blog’s logo or unique designs, you can offer your readers a tangible way to support your blog while expressing their love for gaming.

Selling merchandise generates revenue helps strengthen your brand identity and builds a sense of community among your followers. Platforms like Print-on-Demand services make it easy to design, produce, and fulfill orders without the need for inventory management.

By leveraging your blog’s loyal fanbase and promoting your merchandise through engaging content and social media, you can create a sustainable income stream while delighting your audience with stylish gaming-related products.

To sum it up how to start a gaming blog can be exciting! With the tips we talked about, you now have what you need to get going on your gaming blog. Just share what you love, stay in touch with your readers, and be ready for the gaming world’s changes. Whether you’re into telling stories, reviewing games, or building a community, there’s a place for your voice in gaming blogging.

Get started, and have fun with your gaming blog adventure!

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