7 Best Marketing Calendar Software That Plans Your Marketing Success IN 2024

7 Best Marketing Calendar Software Sep 2023 

Greetings, and welcome to the exciting world of digital marketing! Running campaigns, managing teams, and meeting deadlines can sometimes feel like a heart-pounding adventure. But fear not, because a trusty companion is waiting to lend you a hand – marketing calendar software. Think of it as your friendly guide, here to help you navigate the digital wilderness.

I’m thrilled to guide you on this journey as we uncover the best marketing calendar software options available as of September 2023. These tools are more than just task organizers; they’re like the secret sauce that spices up your marketing efforts and encourages teamwork while allowing you to focus on the creative sparks that make your strategies genuinely shine.

In the upcoming sections, we will dig deep into why these tools are such game-changers, and I’ll show you the ropes for picking the perfect fit for your needs. We’ll also take a closer look at the top seven contenders in the field. So, get ready to become a savvy decision-maker because you’ll have the knowledge to choose the ideal marketing calendar software by the time we’re done. Let’s enhance efficiency, align with your objectives, and make your digital presence thrive!

What is the Best Marketing Calendar Software?

Here are my top selections for the best marketing calendar software:

Importance of Marketing Calendar Software

Let’s dive into why marketing calendar software is your secret weapon for a smoother marketing journey. Imagine your marketing strategy as a finely tuned engine – every part must work flawlessly to power your success. That’s where marketing calendar software comes in, acting like the guiding compass that keeps your campaigns on track and your efforts coordinated.

Think of it as your marketing maestro, orchestrating your campaigns, content plans, social media posts, and emails into a cohesive masterpiece. But it’s not just about the organization – this software is a collaboration catalyst. It brings your teams together, ensuring everyone’s rhythm is in sync.

Criteria for Selection

By having a clear visual of your marketing roadmap, you’re not just preventing chaos; you’re maintaining brand consistency, avoiding last-minute hiccups, and ensuring your content reaches its audience at the perfect time. So, when it comes to charting your marketing course, having the right tool, like marketing calendar software, is your ultimate companion on this adventure.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the nitty-gritty of how to handpick the marketing calendar software that’s tailor-made for your unique needs. Think of it like assembling a puzzle – every piece has to fit just right to create the perfect picture. As you navigate through the options, here’s a checklist of critical factors to guide your decision-making process:

User Interface: Imagine strolling through a beautifully designed garden, where every path is clear and every flower bed is perfectly organized. That’s the kind of experience you want with your software. Look for a user-friendly interface that’s intuitive and inviting. You shouldn’t need a treasure map to find what you’re looking for – everything should be right at your fingertips.

Features: Consider this your wish list for the ultimate tool. Are you all about social media scheduling? Or do you need robust task management and content planning capabilities? Take stock of your needs and ensure the software ticks all the boxes. But don’t just think about now – look ahead to where your strategies might grow and evolve.

Integration: Think of your software as the connective tissue that combines all your marketing tools. It’s like having a garden where each plant supports the others. Look for software that seamlessly integrates with your existing arsenal, whether your CRM, analytics platforms or other mission-critical tools. This way, you’re not creating isolated islands of information – you’re building a united ecosystem.

Scalability: Envision your marketing endeavors as a garden that flourishes over time. Your software should be able to accommodate your growth. Choose software that can scale alongside your ambitions, whether you’re a small team with big dreams or a well-established force. You want a tool that’s not just a one-season wonder but a perennial powerhouse.

Pricing: Budgets are like fences that define the boundaries of your garden. You want vibrant blooms, but you must keep costs from running wild. Compare the features offered at different prices and find that spot where functionality meets affordability. Remember, it’s not just about what you pay now – it’s about the value it brings over time.

By considering all these factors, you’re crafting a recipe for your marketing success; just like how a sprinkle of the right spice can transform a dish, the right marketing calendar software can elevate your strategies to new heights. So, before you decide, ensure the software checks off these criteria. This way, you’re not just getting a tool; you’re getting a strategic partner in your marketing journey.

7 Best Marketing Calendar Software of 2023

Now, let’s deeply dive into the elite selection – the top seven marketing calendar software options that can significantly impact your marketing strategy. Think of these options as distinct tools in your marketing toolbox, each with unique features. Let’s explore each software in detail, along with their standout attributes:

1. Coschedule

homepage of coschedule website

Coschedule is a marketing powerhouse offering an all-in-one solution for your needs. Its comprehensive features include content calendar management, social media scheduling, and robust analytics. You can efficiently plan your content, automate social media posts, and monitor performance through a single platform. The software’s user-friendly interface and collaboration tools make it a preferred choice among marketing teams.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive content calendar with drag-and-drop functionality
  • Automation for scheduling and managing social media posts
  • In-depth analytics and performance tracking
  • Collaboration tools for streamlined teamwork
  • Integration with email marketing campaigns for cohesive strategies


pricing page of coschedule website

Free Calander Plan (Free): One user account, two social profiles, AI social assistant, and basic support.

Social Calendar Plan ($29 per/month): All the free calendar features, plus two more user accounts, three more social profiles,AI Project Assistant, and Social Media Automation.

For Content Calendar and Marketing Suite must contract.

2. Trello

homepage of trello website

Trello might not be designed exclusively for marketing, but its versatility makes it a valuable asset for planning. Its card-based system lets you organize tasks visually, simulating a digital corkboard. You can customize boards for different campaigns, tasks, and ideas, allowing you to monitor progress as tasks move across the board.

Key Features:

  • A visual organization using cards and boards
  • Customizable boards to categorize various projects
  • Collaboration tools for team coordination
  • Integration capabilities with a range of apps and tools
  • Mobile app for managing tasks on the go


pricing page of trello website

Free Plan (Free): Unlimited cards, Up to 10 boards per Workspace, Unlimited activity log, two-factor authentication, and iOS and Android mobile apps

Standard Plan ($5/month): All the free plan features, plus Unlimited boards, Advanced checklists, Saved searches, and Single board guests.

Premium Plan ($10/month): All the standard plan features, plus admin and security features, workspace-level templates, simple data export, and Unlimited Workspace command run.

Enterprise Plan (17.50/Month): All the premium plan features, plus unlimited Workspaces, multi-board guests, public board management, and Attachment permissions.

3. HubSpot Marketing Software

homepage of hubspot marketing software

HubSpot‘s reputation in marketing is well-earned, and its marketing software lives up to the hype. Covering everything from content planning to email campaigns, it provides a comprehensive solution suitable for businesses of all sizes. Its seamless integration with other HubSpot tools truly sets it apart, offering a cohesive environment for your marketing efforts.

Key Features:

  • Content planning and scheduling functionalities
  • Automation for email marketing campaigns
  • Efficient lead tracking and integration with CRM systems
  • Detailed analytics and insightful reporting features
  • Personalization options to tailor campaigns for maximum impact


pricing page of hubspot marketing software website

Free Plan (Free): Free Marketing tools, Free Sales tools, Free Service tools, Free CMS tools, and Free Operations tools.

Starter Plan ($20/month): All the free plan features, plus remove the HubSpot branding from Email marketing, Landing pages, Live chat, and Forms.

Professional Plan (890/month): All the starter plan features, plus Campaign reporting, Custom reporting, Social media, Omnichannel marketing automation, and Teams.

4. Monday.com

homepage of monday.com website

Monday.com stands out with its lively and interactive interface, transforming your calendar into a collaboration hub. Customizable workflows, task assignments, and visual progress tracking create a virtual workspace where every team member knows their role and responsibilities.

Key Features:

  • Customizable workflows to suit your team’s needs
  • Visual timeline views for tracking progress and deadlines
  • Seamless integration with external apps and tools
  • Communication features for team updates and discussions
  • Automation options to streamline repetitive tasks


pricing page of monday.com website

Free Plan (Free): Unlimited docs, up to 3 boards, 8 column types, 200+ templates, and iOS and Android apps.

Basic Plan ($10/month): All the free plan features, plus Unlimited free viewers, Unlimited items, 5GB file storage, Prioritised customer support, and Create a dashboard based on 1 board.

Standard Plan ($12/month): All the basic plan features, plus Integrations (250 actions per month), Calendar View, Timeline & Gantt views, and Create a dashboard that combines 5 boards

5. Truenorth.io

homepage of truenorth website

Truenorth.io is your AI-driven ally in marketing strategy. Its insightful recommendations eliminate the guesswork from planning. Analyzing data suggests strategies to optimize your content calendar, ensuring your efforts make a significant impact. Think of it as having a data analyst on your team.

Key Features:

  • AI-generated insights for content optimization
  • Thorough data analysis and strategy recommendations
  • Performance tracking and metrics for informed decisions
  • Customizable content planning based on data-driven insights
  • Collaboration features for effortless team sharing and coordination


pricing page of TrueNorth website

TrueNorth Pricing Plan ($99/month): Free for 14 days and available for all features

6. Airtable

homepage of airtable website

Airtable serves as your digital playground for organizing marketing efforts. It combines the best of spreadsheets and databases, offering a versatile tool for content planning. From tracking tasks to collaborating with your team, Airtable offers a dynamic approach to organization.

Key Features:

  • Flexible spreadsheet-style interface for user-friendly navigation
  • Customizable templates catering to various project requirements
  • Task tracking and content planning capabilities
  • Integration with a wide range of apps and tools for enhanced productivity
  • Collaboration and commenting tools for seamless teamwork


pricing page of airtable

Free Plan (Free): Unlimited commenter & read-only users, Unlimited bases, Up to 5 creators or editors, and 2GB of attachments per base.

Plus Plan ($10/month): All the free plan features, plus Automatic table syncing, 3 extensions per base, 3 sync integrations, and Custom branded forms.

Pro Plan ($20/month): All the plus plan features, plus 10 extensions per base, 50,000 records per base, Gantt & timeline Views, field & table editing permissions, and 20GB of attachments per base.

7. ClickUp

homepage of clickup website

ClickUp isn’t merely a calendar – it’s a comprehensive task management solution designed for marketing teams managing multiple projects and campaigns. From visual project timelines to streamlined content collaboration, ClickUp has all your bases covered.

Key Features:

  • Extensive task and project management capabilities
  • Visual timeline views for effective project planning
  • Collaboration tools for clear communication within the team
  • Goal tracking and performance metrics for data-driven decisions
  • Seamless integration with third-party tools and applications


pricing page of clickup website

Free Plan (Free): Unlimited tasks, two-factor authentication, kanban boards, collaborative docs, real-time chat, and 24/7 support.

Unlimited Plan ($10/month): All the free plan features, plus unlimited integrations, unlimited dashboards, unlimited storage, unlimited Gantt charts, and AI compatibility.

Business Plan (20/month): All the unlimited plan features, plus unlimited teams, advanced time tracking, workload management, and timelines & mind maps.

These software options offer diverse features to cater to different marketing needs. Whether you aim to dominate social media, execute precise content planning, or gain insights through data-driven strategies, these top contenders have something for everyone. With this comprehensive understanding, you can make an informed decision that aligns seamlessly with your marketing objectives.

Get ready to explore the comparison arena! We will look closely at our software contenders, so you can understand their strengths and what to keep in mind. Think of this as a guide to help you pick the software that fits you best. We’ll break down the good stuff and what you might want to consider for each option. By the end, you’ll have a clear picture of which software could be your perfect match for your marketing plans. Let’s jump in and learn about each contender, so you can confidently plan your marketing strategy.


  • Best Overall: HubSpot Marketing Software HubSpot Marketing Software takes the crown for the best overall choice. With its comprehensive suite covering content planning, email campaigns, lead tracking, and more, it offers an all-in-one solution that caters to a wide range of marketing needs.
  • Best Growing: ClickUp When it comes to growth, ClickUp shines. With continuous updates, feature enhancements, and a rapidly expanding user base, ClickUp is on an upward trajectory. Its adaptability and diverse functionalities make it a prime contender for evolving marketing strategies.
  • Best Ease of Use: Trello If ease of use is your priority, Trello is the star player. Its card-based interface and intuitive design make it a breeze to navigate. Trello’s simplicity and visual organization create a seamless experience for marketers of all expertise levels.
  • Best for Hosting: Airtable When it comes to hosting marketing assets, Airtable takes the lead. Its flexibility and customizable templates allow for efficient organization and management of various assets. The spreadsheet-database hybrid structure of Airtable empowers marketers to structure their content effectively.
  • Best for Distribution: CoSchedule For optimal content distribution, Coschedule steals the spotlight. Equipped with built-in social media automation and content distribution tools, it’s a powerhouse for spreading your marketing content across multiple platforms. Coschedule’s features enhance the visibility and reach of your campaigns.
  • Best for Collaboration: Monday.com When collaboration is paramount, Monday stands out. With interactive features and a vibrant interface, it fosters effective teamwork. Monday’s tools facilitate smooth communication, task allocation, and progress tracking, making it an ideal choice for collaborative marketing efforts.
  • Best for Data-Driven Insights: Truenorth.io If data-driven insights are what you seek, Truenorth.io is the frontrunner. Its AI-driven approach and data optimization features offer a unique perspective for refining your marketing strategies. Truenorth.io’s analytics focus empowers marketers to leverage data effectively.

Comparative Analysis

CoscheduleUser-friendly; Built-in social media toolsPricing might be steep for smaller businesses
TrelloVisual organization; Versatile adaptabilityLimited marketing-specific features
HubSpotComprehensive; Integration with HubSpotPricing tiers may not suit all budgets
Monday.comInteractive; Versatile workflow managementSmaller user base, the potential for fewer features
Truenorth.ioAI-driven insights; Data optimizationThe learning curve for mastering all features
AirtableHighly customizable; Database featuresMay require time to set up effectively
ClickUpFeature-rich; Suitable for task managementLearning curve for mastering all features

Think about your team, your projects, and your budget as you look at this comparison. It’s like picking the perfect brush for your painting. Each tool has a unique way of working; you can decide which matches your needs. So, before moving forward, consider these excellent and not-so-good things to ensure the software you choose suits your marketing plans.


Consider the following recommendations based on your business size and marketing needs:

  • Coschedule: Ideal for businesses aiming for a comprehensive solution.
  • Monday.com: Perfect for teams seeking interactive collaboration and workflow management.
  • ClickUp: A must-have for task-oriented groups looking to streamline operations.
  • Truenorth.io: Ideal for analytics-focused marketers leveraging data for success.
  • Airtable: Tailored for creatives needing flexible content organization.
  • HubSpot: A go-to for businesses ready to harness a complete marketing suite.
  • Trello: Perfect for solo marketers or smaller teams valuing simplicity.

Tips for Implementation

Now that you’re equipped with your chosen software, it’s time to ensure a smooth transition into your workflow. Let’s break down the steps to help you seamlessly integrate the software and make the most out of its features:

  1. Explore and Understand: Begin by immersing yourself in the software’s functionalities. Tutorials, guides, and FAQs provided by the software provider can be valuable resources to get you started on the right foot.
  2. Share the Knowledge: If your team is using the software, take the lead in introducing them to it. A shared understanding fosters collaboration and prevents confusion down the road.
  3. Customize to Suit: Many software options offer customization features. Please use these to tailor the software to your unique needs and preferences, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your workflow.
  4. Integrate for Efficiency: Check if the software can sync with your existing tools, such as CRM platforms or project management software. Seamless integration minimizes manual data entry and maximizes efficiency.
  5. Handle Data Transition: If you’re moving from another tool, ensure a smooth data migration. Transfer campaigns, tasks, and content seamlessly to maintain continuity and prevent information loss.
  6. Trial and Experiment: If there’s a trial period, use it to your advantage. Test various features, simulate different scenarios, and gather insights from your experience to make an informed decision.
  7. Value Feedback: Open channels for feedback from your team members using the software. Their insights can highlight pain points and opportunities for improvement, contributing to more effective implementation.
  8. Start Small, Scale Steadily: Initiate the implementation with a smaller project or team. This allows you to identify and resolve any challenges before expanding the software’s usage to the entire organization.
  9. Leverage Support Resources: Familiarize yourself with the software’s customer support options. Be it user guides, forums, or direct support, having a safety net for assistance can prove invaluable when faced with questions or roadblocks.
  10. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on updates and new features introduced by the software provider. Staying current ensures you’re harnessing the full potential of the software’s capabilities and adapting to the evolving landscape.

Approaching the implementation phase with a thoughtful and strategic mindset can make a significant difference. These steps pave the way for a successful integration that enhances your marketing efforts and propels you closer to your goals.


As we conclude our exploration of marketing calendar software, let’s recap the valuable insights you’ve gathered:

  • Choosing Your Path: In marketing calendar software, you have many options. Your choice becomes your strategic companion, guiding campaigns and elevating teamwork.
  • Blueprint for Success: Effective marketing hinges on meticulous planning. A transparent calendar is your blueprint, ensuring content reaches the right audience at precisely the right time.
  • Unleashing Data’s Potential: Harnessing data is a game-changer. Teams using calendar software witness a remarkable 538% boost in effectiveness (source: CoSchedule). Data-driven decisions pave the way for impactful strategies.
  • Personalized Fit: Each software tool boasts its strengths. Seek the one that aligns seamlessly with your team’s dynamics and work style.
  • Seamless Integration: Adding a new software layer need not be daunting. With the guidance of our shared tips, the integration process becomes a smooth journey.
  • Anticipating Tomorrow: Stay ahead of the curve. The future promises AI-powered insights and enhanced automation, transforming the landscape of marketing calendar software.

Remember, this is just the beginning of your journey. Whether you’re a solo adventurer, part of a tight-knit group, or leading a larger ensemble, your software ally stands ready to enhance your marketing endeavors. Armed with newfound insights, you’re poised to create strategies that captivate, resonate, and yield impressive outcomes.

As you continue your voyage through the digital realm, armed with your software and the knowledge gained, you’re well-prepared to navigate with competence and excitement.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We’re all about easing your journey into the world of marketing calendar software, and we know you might have some burning questions. Here’s an extended FAQ section to shed light on common queries, providing you with the helpful insights you need:

Q1: Can these tools serve purposes beyond marketing? 

Absolutely! Many of these tools are like Swiss Army knives for your organizational needs. They can be your go-to for project management, personal tasks, and collaborations that extend beyond the marketing realm.

Q2: What makes Coschedule stand out from other options? 

Coschedule isn’t just about organizing; it’s about supercharging your marketing efforts. Its user-friendly interface and integrated social media tools make it like having a marketing sidekick. To dig deeper, explore Coschedule’s features on its official website.

Q3: Is Truenorth.io suitable for small businesses? 

Truenorth.io‘s AI-driven insights are gold for businesses of all sizes, especially smaller ones aiming for data-driven success. Remember, its feature set might vary due to its user base. To get a more detailed view of Truenorth.io’s capabilities, visit their site.

Q4: What if my team is a mix of creative and task-oriented members? 

Guess what? ClickUp can be your team’s new best friend. Its features cater to both sides of the brain, making it perfect for creative minds and taskmasters. You can learn more about ClickUp on their website.

Q5: Can these tools adapt to future changes? 

We can’t predict the future, but these tools are like chameleons – they’re all about adapting. With regular updates and a dedication to innovation, they’re built to roll with the punches. To stay in the loop, keep an eye on their official websites.

Q6: How can I ensure a smooth transition when implementing new software? 

Transitioning to new software might sound daunting, but fear not. Dive into the features, provide thorough training for your team, and lean on the support resources. It’s like having a helping hand guide you through.

Q7: Can these tools play nicely with my existing marketing stack? 

These tools are all about collaboration, including getting along with your current marketing tools. They often offer integrations with popular platforms. For the nitty-gritty, check out their official documentation or support resources.

Q8: How often should I reevaluate my choice of marketing calendar software? 

Checking in on your choice every 6 to 12 months is a good idea. Think of it as a tune-up for your marketing engine. The landscape evolves, and you want to ensure your tools keep up.

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